Fluoride Treatment

The benefits of fluoride have been known for decades, which is why we typically brush our teeth with a fluoride-based toothpaste.

Fluoride is a mineral that can help to prevent cavities by repairing damaged tooth enamel when the damage is still in its very early, microscopic stages.

The benefits of fluoride have been known for decades, which is why we typically brush our teeth with a fluoride-based toothpaste. In-office fluoride treatment at our Costa Mesa dental office can also help your child protect the health and integrity of their teeth for years to come.

The fluoride paste used at Little Healthy Smiles is a much higher concentration than what you will find in your toothpaste or mouth rinse, and our professional supervision ensures that this higher level of fluoride won’t cause any undue side effects.

If you are at a higher risk of cavities due to genetics or any other reason, ask our dental team whether fluoride treatment would be a good option for you and your smile.

Call us today to start and maintain healthy habits for your child.

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